Soup and Games Evening

A week ago, today, we had our first ward activity since our ward split in April. It turned out to be a really good evening! Since it was freezing cold that week, the organisers planned a soup and games evening. It went down really well, by all who attended! We played 'get-to-know-you' games then played board games, with everyone rotating between the games tables. We had a choice of 5 delicious homemade soups! Well done to the sisters and brethren who did the cooking!! It was a good experience for all of us as it gave us the opportunity to get to know each other a little better!! I spent some time taking pictures. I wanted to capture on film the wonderful spirit that was present. The pictures are not prize-winners since I was less concerned with composition and just wanted to take a bunch of "happy snaps". Enjoy!!!!
Trivial Pursuit
Elder Varner
Getting to know each other!
No! Don't take a picture of me eating!!

The missionary elders hosted a game that the kids loved - "the sweet and flour game"
Cut a slice away from the stacked flour without letting the sweet fall!

Find the sweet using your mouth! Then you have to eat the flour covered sweet! YUK!

Bothlale, really got into the game!
Lungi and the gang!
Kayla - she tried to hide from me, but I finally got her!
Liam and his posse!

Mmmmm! I think I know how to play this!Renola and all the little ones!
Lizzy- she always looks beautiful!
Dot - our Primary President


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