"Be thou an example of the believers"

On Saturday 28th March nearly 200 youth, youth leaders and some family members took to the streets to participate in The Youth Shield Challenge - some as competitors and some for the fun of it- This is an annual event of the Riccarton Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This year the challenge came in the form of a 9 km Amazing Race. Youth gathered to represent their wards and participate in this day of challenges, aching muscules and fun! The teams were required to follow clues through Hagley Park - a large park in the centre of Christchurch. Once they solved the clue they were required to complete a task - some were fun and some were pretty gruelling! Some of the things they did, were a cookoff, filmed an advert, and built a bridge to get across the Avon River. Madison participated in this event and had an absolute ball. She surprised us all, especially Nic, who ran the race alongside her, with her ability to keep up with her team. Every time I saw her she was laughing and having fun! There were a few spots of doubt when the course got particularly difficult but with the help of her team mates - Madison and everyone made it to the end of the race. Nic said that the whole team spirit was so good and they encouraged each other and helped each other along the way. There truly is a great spirit amongst the young men and young women of Riccarton Ward and we feel blessed that Madison has found good friends and good role models amongst these youth. Since being in New Zealand she has just blossomed into a confident, beautiful young lady and we are so proud of what she accomplishes each day. She has faith in her Heavenly Father and loves the young women programme. She truly is "an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12


  1. Well done Madison! Thanks for sharing the lovely occasion. I like the red T shirts.


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