Madison's Missionary Journey - Week 5

Hello dear people!
 It was a really good and productive week! 

My dear friend Lilian Shongwe joined me at the center this week to work on her mother's family history. It was fun having her there for the morning and working with her.

(This is Lilian)

One of our missionary couples went to do training (in Zimbabwe, I think!) and the other couple, the Dixons gave a presentation at a Temple and Family History devotion at our chapel on Sunday. 

 I enjoyed participating in and helping to plan and prepare for this ward activity. It was a great success!

(Above - me with Elder and Sister Dixon, who are from Washington State, USA)
(Below - a little display, with handouts at the devotional)

I made a wonderful breakthrough on my own family history on my maternal grandmother's side.
 I discovered that one of my 22nd great grandmothers is Eleanor of Castille. 
She was married to King Edward the 1st!!!
 I also discovered several other royal bloodlines going back as far as 600 AD! 
 Lots of exciting things to discover when you are doing family history!

(Eleanor of Castille, born in Spain. One of my 22nd great-grandmothers)

I would like to share with all of you a wonderful quote that I read this week, during my daily scripture study.

"Spiritual belief precedes spiritual knowledge. When we believe in things that are not seen but are nevertheless true then we have FAITH." - Boyd K. Packer.

I hope that we will remember this as we seek spiritual enlightenment, even in regard to family history.

Much Love
Sister Erasmus


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