A Trip to Remember - By Steph McNicol of the North Central Review

Our niece, Steph McNicol, is a journalist at a local newspaper
 the North Central Review in Kilmore, Australia.

We are so proud of her!

Steph graduated from high school in December last year and this is a great opportunity for her.
She has written several articles for them over the past few months 
and it has been fun to watch her develop as a writer and follow her journey.
Her future looks bright!!!!

(public image found on their facebook page)

In her latest article 'A trip to remember' Steph tells the story of student Ben Cook who traveled to Cambodia to build a washroom for the people of Siem Reap.

She writes:

"The trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia, 
gave Ben and others on the trip a chance 
to learn how to act with their hearts instead of their heads –
 through a program called ‘Head, Heart, Hands, Holidays'...
While on the trip, Ben said they built a washhouse 
to improve the sanitation for the people in Siem Reap,
 as well as used the money they had raised in Australia 
to buy toothbrushes and toothpaste to give to people...
Upon returning from the trip, 
Ben said he had learnt many valuable lessons 
including how much he had taken everyday luxuries for granted..."

Read the full article here

Well done Steph!
We love you!


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