Good Success and Joy Comes From Gospel Living

This week's reading for my class started off with the book of Joshua.

At this point in the Old Testament, Joshua has just been called to lead Israel, and, as one could imagine, he probably felt incredible pressure just from the thought of this immense responsibility. In verse 6 of the same chapter, however, the Lord tells Joshua that "as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee". The Lord then tells him to be "strong and of a good courage" (v. 7) and then instructs Joshua further in what he needs to do daily in verse 8:

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all this is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success". (v. 8) 

Now, let's consider the promise given by the Lord here. We are promised by the Lord that if we meditate on the scriptures and apply the principles of the gospel to our lives, then our way will be "prosperous, and then (we) (shall) have good success".

That's a nice thought, right? 

Yet, sometimes, we keep the commandments and we still go through failure. We keep the commandments and things aren't as prosperous for us as we'd like. Things won't be easy just because we live the gospel. 
But, I believe that the Lord is promising us that our lives will be better (not challenge-free, but better) if we study the principles of the gospel and apply them. The Lord will be with us; guiding us and leading us through our challenges, providing us with flashes of insight for various areas of our lives, and helping us see the successes we achieve, both large and small, with Him. I believe that the Lord was telling Joshua, not that there wouldn't be bumps in the road, but that his life and the responsibilities he had to bear would be easier to handle if he were studying and living the gospel daily. 
This made me think about these words from President Russell M. Nelson: 
I believe this to be true. Life isn't easy, and the responsibilities we take on will never be easy, either. But I know that if we draw strength from the scriptures daily and strive to live the gospel, even when it's hard, we'll be blessed. We will have the Lord on our side to help us, and we WILL experience true success and joy. 
"Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (v. 9). 

- Madison


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