The Wood Pile

Italian writer, Carlo Collodi penned ;

"Once upon a time there was a piece of wood.
It was not an expensive piece of wood.
Far from it.
Just a common block of firewood,
one of those thick, solid logs
that they put on the fire in winter
to make cold rooms cozy and warm."

I thought of this quote when I took this photo of our wood pile
while participating in a 7 day nature photography challenge on Facebook.

I thought about how it would be growing soon 
as we cut our trees to accommodate new palisade fencing
that will be added on top of our boundry walls.

I thought about how my family members are like the logs in this wood pile.

They are not 'fancy'
They are 'common' folk
down to earth, solid souls
who make my life feel cozy and warm.


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